Say no to plastic!

  • 18 Mar 2024
  • Art and Culture

Say no to single use plastic!

I have just returned from an amazing ten days cycling around Rwanda with a stop off in Uganda to see the Mountain Gorillas.

I was so impressed that a small Central African republic could be so clean, tidy and devoid of litter. This has inspired me to try to do my part to influence people to radically reduce their reliance on plastics. On entering Rwanda, there is a sign in the airport baggage collection area announcing that Rwanda prohibits the use of plastic bags. Once outside the airport it was impossible not to be impressed by the cleanliness of the country; a country almost devoid of litter.


I commented to a local on this cleanliness. They were delighted saying that firstly there were no plastic bags, there were few if any single use plastic bottles and in addition to that on the last Saturday of every month, unless you were employed in a vital service, everyone spent the morning cleaning their local community. UMUGANDA.

The respect these people have for their country, their local environment is enviable.

On my return to the UK I have ordered 500 insulated steel bottles for hot or cold use to be given to our customers and contacts.

Every plastic bottle saved must be a help to the environment.

I hope you enjoy and use your bottle.

James Mossman

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